/a/ - Have your own board

Need your own board? Apply here.

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Board status ALangFan 07/13/2020 (Mon) 11:14:31 No. 6
Every owner should have a "notice board" thread like this. to tell your students your board is "locked. I'll be offline for a while. I will come online and it will be unlocked at 8am usa mid time on July 8th. see you all soon." or "unlocked, I'll be online for 5 hours." And change the lock status.
Edited last time by REDACTED on 07/14/2020 (Tue) 10:34:42.
(16.63 KB 625x500 padlock-unlocked.jpg)
board unlocked I'll be online for 3 hours. (This is your public notice board. You can tell your students you are online or offline, and when you will go offline or come online. What's your plan for the day. Or tomorrow, etc.) to show your students that you are in full control of your board and all of the contents. so they can trust.
https://cowtransfer.com/s/db19b482f6ee43 yt1s.com - First Sentences for Toddlers Learn to Talk Toddler Speech Delay Speech Practice Video English_480p
https://cowtransfer.com/s/b00c1627a99143 cowtransfer.com 694456 ben liberal shit- Learn The Alphabet Letters and Letter Sounds with ABC Acorns Phonics Song for Kids ABCS Speech_360p
